This customized program is designed for the person that knows they could use a diet “tune-up”, but doesn’t know how or where to start. Maybe you need supplement recommendations and some overall wellness tips but are commitment phobic! Look at this consult as a step towards improved health and an opportunity to explore how your diet can affect how you feel from the inside, out.
Program includes:
- 30-minute discovery session
- Discussion of your current well-being, symptoms and goals
- Assessment of intake form
- 1 hour follow-up session: one week from discovery session
- Personalized protocol recommendation based on information shared
- Diet modifications
- Supplement recommendations
Price: $249
*The cost does not include supplements. No recipes are included.
Note true lifestyle changes take time, dedication and consistency. This program is a jump start. It is not designed to get at the root cause of your symptoms, but it can of course be extended into a longer term program.