passionate about wellness

about jennifer

I believe Virgil said it best, “The Greatest Wealth is Health.”

Health has always been a great passion of mine.

Whether it is teaching fitness classes, counseling friends about nutrient dense foods or caring for my own family’s allergies I believe a healthy mind and body are essential to a happy life.

As a mother of three food allergic children who have all had different allergic journeys I know and understand the challenges of managing multiple food allergies, because I’ve lived it.

Early in my professional journey I worked in Advertising and Consulting for several Fortune 500 Clients. Despite the satisfying work, I longed to connect my professional life and my passion point, Health. Consequently I left consulting and pivoted into the Fitness World.

Hundreds of spin and barre classes later, my body began shouting at me to take a break. Just before my 40th birthday I was diagnosed with both Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hachimotos. The diagnosis of both chronic autoimmune conditions was heartbreaking to me, particularly as I had always lived a healthy lifestyle. I didn’t understand why me?

At the same time, my son’s battle with EoE and food allergies took a dramatic turn for the worse. I was quickly reminded of how challenging…and overwhelming the path of managing multiple food allergies can be.

How I wished for help from someone who had actually lived it.

It was this convergence of events that propelled me to become a Certified Health Coach specializing in food allergic diseases and functional nutrition. Food is medicine and let medicine be thy food…but it must be the right food for your body!

Through my expertise in consulting, my passion for nutrition and my personal experience with food allergies and autoimmune conditions, I can help you and your family bring back the Joy of Eating.



joy of eating food allergy consulting

Certified Health Coach
Functional Nutritionist
FARE Food Allergy Specialist
Fitness Instructor
Mom of three food allergic children
Autoimmune Thriver


Her calm and reassuring demeanor brings solace to a difficult situation

Jen is an invaluable resource. She helped us in a time of uncertainty and change. She fielded questions when we needed further explanations and answers. She is knowledgeable, has personal experience, and is relatable. Her calm and reassuring demeanor brings solace to a difficult situation and for families dealing with food sensitivities. Highly recommend. Thanks Jen!




helped me navigate an autoimmune issue

Had a great experience with Jennifer Johnson.  She has helped me navigate an autoimmune issue and simply learn to adjust my nutrition for my age. Can’t speak highly enough about her and how much it has helped me.